Useful information

Useful information

Welcome to Berlin! There are a few things to know when visiting the German capital

Emergency numbers


Tax refunds


All you need to know

Currency Berlin and Germany, in general, is the currency of the European Union, which is marked €, Euro / Euro or. Which is spoken by the locals?

It is worthwhile to bring one-hundred-dollar bills, and of course, it is advisable to organize on a smaller amount of money. Two-hundred-and-five-hundred-cent bills would be accepted even by most businesses. Be sure to do this in Israel, which you are well organized. The exchange of large bills for parchment in the Concierges in Berlin usually involves an unnecessary commission

communication - It is worthwhile to purchase a local Sim card, "Pre pade" includes free surfing at low cost. Media Market usually has one or more premium promotions. Sim cards can also be found on the Saturn network and even on most Super Market networks

What to wear, what to wear
The weather in Berlin is considered volatile. A sunny day may end in a rainy day. It is worth keeping an eye on the situation for the coming days. Even in the summer you should pack a small umbrella. A hot day could break into a flood
For a detailed forecast of the weather throughout the day, Click here

When you are in Berlin, pay attention to the detailed forecast throughout the day. It's not enough to take your nose out and decide that it will look like today. The morning weather may surprise you from morning to night

You 're covered
If you do not need medical treatment, you should know that the treatments in Berlin are expensive and that you have decided to take a bike or a Segway. Travel insurance

Most of the places in the city, including trains and buses, are very focused on the subject

Smokers? Pay attention to the next trap
A surprise at customs! If you bought duty-free cigarette packs, you should be allowed to put one passenger in Germany. Furthermore, the reception with the landing may be unpleasant, of probing the dowry and paying a heavy fine. And instead of taking your lungs, you take to the heart an experience that you should avoid

... sure, sure. but
Berlin is a safe city, relative to other cities in Europe. At the same time, there are Gypsies in Berlin too. They are still relatively polite but do not make mistakes and do not fall into traps. It is easy to identify them by their ragged attire, without judging them or blaming them. But even those who do not have a sense of fashion will agree with me, which is the fashion that is identified with them and good that you can identify them easily. If a gipsy woman approaches you with a note or a binder, for example, a form for signing for deaf people is a trap. She actually wants to sign you for a waiver - giving up your wallet, cellphone, or passport. When you identify the gipsies approaching you, politely mark your head or hand as negative, you can add an apologetic smile and move away from them. If they approach, they start asking "spiking English", not answering, indicating that you are not interested and move away. You can not go into the conversation with them. It will end in tears

How to split up quickly from fifty euros
The trap of the Box Games: Or if you will, Charlie and a Half Games. The quickest way to lose fifty euros or more. Do not even bother to look at the box where the stone is, anyone who plays around it is part of the conspiracy. Such gangs can be found at Check Point Charlie and the East Side Gallery. Stay away. from them. Voyeurism will lead you to be drawn into the game and the path to loss is shorter than ever. Here, too, ignore and go on. Look for other suckers

After we understood the traps, we can continue. but how

Navigate the city - A sensational discovery, the simplest way is simply to use Google Maps. The app also helps with public transit. How to get from any point to any destination. It is recommended to use it

Public Transport Transportation in Berlin is excellent. It is advisable to use public transportation as long as there are no unexpected mishaps or strikes. In a giant - the world championship in transportation is here
Public buses, elevated trains, underground trains and trams are all included on the same ticket. There are several types of cards - one-time, daily, daily group. There are also weekly tickets for one person or five days which also include discounts for attractions such as the Volk Card or City Card

The internal area of Berlin that lies within the ring that surrounds it and the AB envelope The part outside Berlin's jurisdiction, in places close to it: Potsdam, Schonfeld-Abc
The subway. Sometimes it goes up to air in certain areas - U BAHN
City Train. Subway train. Usually an elite, sometimes underground - S BAHN A streetcar called Desire. It is also called "Strasse Ban" - a street train - TRAM BAHN BUS METRO BUS
It is a check of a bus stop, here they call it: "stop station", "Halte Stelle" in German - H

By the way, most of the transportation in the city requires an IB card unless you are travelling to Oranienburg, Potsdam or Schönefeld, and then there is also an IBC

The tickets can be purchased personally by the bus drivers, at the box office of train stations, in some of the kiosks and in most hotels. Each train platform also has an automatic ticket machine

When you buy a bus, the driver already sells them a valid card. If you purchased a ticket in any other way, at the checkout, hotel or machine. The card must be stamped only once to give it validity

Where are the signatures? If you bought a ticket in advance and you first get on the bus, for example, behind the driver there is a yellow box. Insert the card in the direction of the arrow and remove the printed card. Do not sign more. The ticket is also good for trains

If you purchased a new ticket, not with a bus driver. I mean, in a machine, a kiosk, a hotel or a cashier at a train station, do not get on the train before you worry about stamping the ticket on the platform. The signature boxes are usually located next to the ticket machines. Only one sign and only then board the train

Pay attention to the public transportation  card in your possession A one-time ticket is for two hours in the direction
daily - "Tages Karte" in German, designed in all directions up to three in the morning. I mean, my day is not for a whole day

Small group - "Kleine Group" A daily ticket that pays for a group of up to five people. All on the same card, in all directions, until three in the morning

Getting onto a train without a stamped card, or being stamped more than once or without a ticket - the fine is sixty euros per person
You got a fine Do not pay anywhere. Go with the ticket and the report to the Ost-Bahnhof the station, two train stations from Alexanderplatz, go up to the second floor to customer service, and if you have a valid case, the fine may be significantly reduced. Travel legally with a stamped card

• We will activate a counter
. Prefer a pampering taxi? Two conditions are recommended when taking a taxi Taxi driver usually work according to the "Claude Monet" method. You get on the cab and Claude runs the meter. So, show the driver an accurate address and if you can find general knowledge of the location you are traveling. Another thing, try to like the driver to get a business card with a phone number. If heaven forbid, you forget something in the car, you have someone to go back to or who to complain to the authorities in extreme cases of loss or forgetfulness in a vehicle

Large group? There are taxis of up to eight people

For passengers with babies and children - most of the taxis have child seats. Without them, they must not drive you. If you book a taxi in advance, you should inform your new passengers that they will send you a suitable taxi

Entrance to the Reichstag - Must be arranged about two weeks prior to the visit And register on the site . The coordinated entry is free. Please note that you must come with a passport

Emergency numbers
Police - call 110

Firefighters and ambulances - call  112 

Tax refunds in the city, without commission, can be performed on the fifth floor in two locations in the city
In the East - at the Kauf Auf Gallery in Alexander Platz
In the west - the "Ka da Wa" department store on the Co-Dam Road
Enter For a video I made for you For details on tax refunds on your purchases

What is really cheap in Berlin? Cosmetics and toiletries are the most expensive products to shop in Berlin. Pharma chains such as Roseman or DM are offering you products in Israel that cost three times the price of Berlin. Products such as Weleda, for example, are cheaper in Berlin.

True, German cars are also cheaper to buy. But it is not certain that they will enter the suitcase.

Real Estate - It's better to buy a time machine and get to Berlin 10 years ago, and the apartments have increased significantly in recent years, and you can guess who contributed to the price increase

Back to shopping, there's a whole street of shopping malls called Three Strasse
Outlet Design - far from the city. However, the Outtake offers you a free shuttle bus from the K-Dam opposite the Hard Rock Cafe and back. Notice that there is Subscribe to it in advance . The service is free
Shopping is a matter of taste and personal budget. If there is a chain of stores that I very much like in Berlin this is a network
TX MAXX This is an outlet of outlets. There are also bargains of heavy brands. From fashion, shoes to toys, kitchen utensils, gadgets to tools
In any case, for shopping, do not forget to request forms of the ceremony-fruit returns. Shopping for over 25 Euros will receive a refund of about 9 per cent.

Have a great visit!

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